By Morgane Tanguy - avril 26, 2018

1/ Commander un demi, tu ne pourras pas
2/ Répondre "yeah" à toutes les questions, tu ne feras pas
3/ Levez le petit doigt, tu n'oseras pas

NB: il est très rare de voir des personnes commander des demis ici : moment de solitude assuré Même après quelques bières, l'anglais avec un accent écossais restera du charabia pour toi / Question historique : les écossais sont pas trop copains avec les anglais...

First steps in a scottish pub : what am I supposed to do?

1/You could never order a half pint
2/ You won't answer "yeah" to all the questions
3/ You won't dare to lift a finger 

The pubs in Scotland, even in all the UK, are a bit different than in France. Here the pub culture is more important, people commonly uses to meet up to the pub, drink pintes, sing and have fun. It's not usual to order a half pint here in comparison with France. Scottish highlanders accent is hard sometime to understand and could be worse after drinks. To lift a finger could be too British and in the history, Scottish and British were not so friends...

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